Pool Mechanical Equipment
UPVC/EDPM Type 56 Butterfly Valves are excellent replacement valves for leaky or sticking metal valves on swimming pools. Features PVC body and polypropylene disc for better chemical and abrasion resistance. Stainless steel shaft has full engagement with disc.
These valves are also available with custom stem extensions for service in sumps and surge tanks. May also be furnished with 2" square nut for valve key operation in tight quarters or submerged locations. |
Water & Ice North America is the exclusive distributor for VM Pumps. Expect more information on these pumps in the near future.
Bronze pool pumps available. |
our catalogue is expanding
Water & Ice North America
75 Thompson Drive
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
N1T 2E4
Tel: (888) 822-5956 -- Fax: (866) 745-3415 info@waterandice.ca